George and Lisa have problems… perhaps a little therapy would help? At the suggestion of her friend Sally she goes to a therapist after managing to persuade her husband to give it a try. That Lisa is having an affair with George’s bullying boss is a little bonus. And, so the session begins…
Not all therapists believe that they should not participate in the therapy sessions and it is just such a counsellor that Lisa has been referred to. Dr. Janice and her sadistic helper Pamela intend to change the way that Lisa’s hubby thinks about sex; in fact they plan to change the way that Lisa sees herself as well! When they discover that events in his past give them leverage needed, they work to ensure that the relationship between man and wife finds a new level. One that will change them forever.
This novel takes the reader through the sessions, the manipulation, the thoughts and delectable needs of the wife and the eventual recasting of a marriage that is soon to be changed forever. Dr. Janice starts to make progress and the therapy moves towards its conclusion.
And, what happens when the therapy is over? As Lisa searches for what she really wants and deserves and George finds himself in a difficult position! Now, they are no longer on a path of equals who go hand in hand to the future, everything has changed. Both of them are about to discover the delights of female led relationships, where the husband has no say at all in the direction that it will go…
Meanwhile in the office, the cuckold discovers that there are so many humiliations in store for him when the bullying boss is fucking his wife. So many ways that he can be reduced to just a toy that is fun to shame and fuck over…
Miss Irene's thoughts:
Note that an extra chapter and a few choice changes have been made in this edition. I could not resist playing with the idea of a more satisfactory ending to the tale as I edited it!
I love the idea of a therapist, nurse, doctor or other supposedly reliable 'helper' turning out to become the perpetrator rather than the one that guides the victim from the danger. In this case it is a therapist that ensures that the husband is moved to a suitable position under the thumb of his wife.

An Embossed Husband
Female Domination Themes
Strength 7/10
55,000 Words
Written 2015
Re-edit 2022
An Embossed Husband - 55,000 Words of Femdom Fiction