True ennui is not the ideal partner… ennui leads to distraction, leads to assessing one’s life. Sally is so fucking bored! Bored with her husband, bored with her life, bored with herself and bored with who she is. When her husband gets a job that will take the both of them to Brazil, she is even bored with that! But Sally is merely dormant and not dead inside, events will wake her from her slumber and take her on a journey that she could never have expected.

Hugh, Sally’s husband, is a man that desires his wife, but he feels that she has become cold to him and the trip to Rio gives him the opportunity to hitch up with Juana, a fiery and dominant Brazilian woman who works for the same company as he does. What happens next is inevitable, how could it be otherwise? A steamy affair in the sun, sex and cock-tales. For Hugh, it is a wake-up call and he begins to look at Sally in a different light. He needs to shed his bored wife and live it up in Rio!

This would merely be the tale of a married couple whose marriage was on the rocks, were it not for the kidnap insurance that Hugh’s company has to pay gives him and his Brazilian lover, Juana, an idea of how to solve two problems with a single move. Sally is an asset and perhaps not a problem after all…

Sally is kidnapped, the ransom demand duly arrives… the Brazilian police become involved as they put their best man on the job. What follows in the twists and turns of the plot is far more eventful than any of the participants ever expected. Because Sally has more resources than she ever imagined as she starts to awake from her ennui. Hugh is overconfident of his abilities more than he ever imagined and Juana is not the woman that she herself imagined!

This is a sexual dance, a kidnap that goes wrong and so right. A case of the biter bit, the victim perhaps not such a victim after all. Then there is the man that is destined to fall and a decadent setting that takes the reader to places unexpected.

Miss Irene's thoughts:

My publisher told me that this was their favorite! A plot that takes a woman who is just so bored with her life, so suffering from ennui that she even does not really care when she is kidnapped. In essence this is a thriller with strong FD overtones and scenes. Don't think that that means that those elements are toned down or not an important part of the tale. It's just that the plot situations are as from a thriller and are often resolved in femdom ways!

The smoking scenes are scattered through the novel, somehow Sally's little habit seemed so right for her... On rereading 'From Behind A Mask Of Ennui' as I edited it in 2022, 10 years after it was written, I realise that this is a great outing and really something quite different. Even the title of the book is a little strange. But then it encapsulates the plot really quite well as Sally's boredom becomes her prime motivation. A cute little turn around...

From Behind A Mask Of Ennui
From Behind A Mask Of Ennui

Female Domination Themes


Setting: Brazil

Strength 8/10
70,000 Words

Written 2012
Re-edit 2022


From Behind A Mask Of Ennui - 70,000 Words of Femdom Fiction