We are in Middlesbrough, a small post-industrial town in the north east of England. A place where men are men and football and beer are more important than sex…
Two female best friends commiserate over their boyfriends, husbands and the struggle of living a life that is less important than football and beer.
In the local pub the TV shows the winning lottery numbers and guess whose numbers have come up? Thus begins a journey for Karen and Angie that leads to them having the life of luxury and pleasure that they always dreamed of. Gives them power over themselves and those around them. The question is: What can be achieved with all of that money, how will it be shared and what will being rich do to them?
But, there are complications as Karen’s husband sues for his share of the win. Their solicitor finds himself having bitten off more than he can chew and his wife is gradually pulled into the world of gratification and privilege that the two friends who have become lovers have built around their lives. First of all, she needs to stop the court case with a subterfuge then she can move towards adding a little control to Phil’s life.When the time comes for revenge and retribution, it seems that Karen and Angie have decided to automate their retribution.
A fully automated system that controls their ‘servants’ programmed in the CANE programming language. A language that allows the system programmed to control endless devices and all of the functions of the victim. A language that detects the slightest signs of arousal, defiance, disobedience and pleasure. It is this system that is installed in Karen and Angie’s new house. It is this system that is about to be loaded with its first subject…
All that remains is to decide who will be the recipient of the system’s control. Who will find themselves punished, pleasured and controlled by a computer that runs CANE?
Miss Irene's thoughts:
Years ago I had the idea of machines taking the drudgery of female domination from the mistresses and ensuring that only the pleasures of owning a man were left for them to enjoy. These ideas started to resolve in a tale that can be found on this website as free to download. Gail's Long Day was that tale.
I was full of ideas, but somehow the attempt to make them work properly was not quite what I expected. I have done a great deal of programming in at least two mainstream languages and I decided that it would be fun to invent my own own high level language to program the tools and sensors of oppression and control that would be needed to control a slave and ensure that he was kept and trained as his owner decided.
Though the idea has been taken even further in the Domains series of novels, this was where it found shape and form. This novel is what Gail's Long Day should have been...
Programming Language
Female Domination Themes
Control by Machine
Evil Nurse
Strength 7/10
Setting: North East UK
40,000 Words
Written 2016
Re-edit 2022
Programming Language - 40,000 Words of Femdom Fiction