An author of romance novels, suddenly successful with her last couple of novels, Donna is finding her relationship with her husband ever more strained. On the one hand he just wants to sit all day at home and do nothing, on the other hand he is resentful of his wife's new found success.
Her idea is to get a small place somewhere out of Vegas, a place where she can concentrate on her writing, sit on a rocking chair and watch the sunsets as she writes the next novel. A chance meeting with Chole and her mother, a fuck in the back of a rig and new discoveries about her husband Arnold change all of that.
Donna is a woman who knows what she wants, but in the beginning she could not be described as a dominant. As she is tested by the trials and tribulations of achieving her dream, she learns from those around her as well as discovering her own power.
Donna is about to discover herself, fall into a fantasy of illicit sex and discover that even what happens outside Vegas has to be kept secret. The romance is about to begin and this time Donna is the main character…
Irene's Thoughts,
I liked the idea of writing about a writer. A woman that had ideals of romance at heart and yet found herself being pulled towards another view of her sexuality. In no way is this one autobiographical!
Donna is a woman who discovers that her opinions change as she discovers herself. The novel was fun to write, it seemed to leap from the page fully formed and was one of the few where I actually made a sketch of the plot and then followed it almost to the letter.
Secret Garden
Female Domination Themes
Strength 8/10
Setting: South West USA
41,000 Words
Written 2015
Re-edit 2022
Secret Garden - 41,000 Words of Femdom Fiction