Collection 3 of shorter femdom tales.
Eve's Apples
Original Sins
Tales of Ordinary Cruelty
Down at Heel
A Lexicon of Female Domination
A series of tales where the focus is a rather more BDSM experience. Make no mistake, these ones are really quite severe! Even so, the plotting is strong and there are occasional surprises as the drama unfurls! Some of the settings are in the North East of England, a sort of autobiographical note that tickled me at the time when I wrote them.
Passing Through
A cruel fantasy that can only end one way. If you know the pics!
The Angels Of The North
A gangster’s moll takes her toll. A quick fuck mistake!
Female Principal
The letters between the institute and the client.
Mummy’s Boy
Rough, brutal, terrifying. Femdom horror of the most piquant kind.
Negative Consent
A retiring dominatrix discovers new love. A new one is born.
So, just five tales this time, but plenty to relish as I unfurl a little fantasy, teach you that not every woman needs to be perfect to dominate her slaves and that love can take a strange course if given a free rein.
Irene Says:
Longer stories, rather more BDSM orientated and tending to the severe. A couple of these were on my list for novel length ideas and then turned out to be on the short side, even for novellas.
These tales were written during a period when I was writing gentler novels and I needed a valve to release as I wrote. There has to be a balance… This is it!
Coming from the NE of England, I decided to set some in the area, though they are by no means autobiographical. 'Passing Through' is a fantasy tale. A rare outing for me.

Tales Of Ordinary Cruelty- Collection Of Shorter Tales
Female Domination Themes
As a collection, there are no main themes.
I suggest that you scan the description to the right...
Strength 9/10
54,000 Words
Written 2015
Re-edit 2022
Tales Of Ordinary Cruelty - 54,000 Words of Femdom shorter tales
Collections Of Irene's Shorter Tales...