Daniel is in trouble. He is so close to making a fortune with his new computer app, but ‘so close’ is not enough. He owes money, he is on the financial brink and his wealthy wife is not going to help him. Money is her speciality and control is the other! Little does he realise that she is sidetracking one of his programmers, stifling him to leave him little choice but to start a scheme to claim on his life insurance and disappear.

For this he needs two people. One is a stranger to make his demise look real, the other is Jasmine, his wife, to cover up for him. The plan does not quite turn out as he expected, because Jasmine is in the driving seat and she has no intention of letting Daniel escape with a penny or his freedom! This is a woman who has designed an intricate scheme that will allow her to live the life she wants to lead.

An insurance policy, a husband who can be declared dead, a fraud that depends on the wife who no longer loves you and a programmer who has joined the wrong side. What could possibly go wrong?

Venture into the mind of a sadist and those that she controls. A journey to a world where everything is for her. Where she is all that there is. Where Jasmine is the goddess who walks her walk through the lives of others guiding, forcing and taking total control. This novel is all about taking control. Utter control. The sort of control that verges on horror...

Miss Irene's thoughts:

I wrote a short tale to remind me of the plot for this one! I was working on another novel at the time and wanted to keep the plot warm! The idea of a man faking his death to collect the insurance was so tight, but it needed some time to be brought to fruition.

The original short tale is appended at the end of the text. At any rate, the plot gave me a good way to place the male charater under the full and unconditional control of his wife. What would she do if she had no limits... The result was, like the short story, brutally straight forward. Jasmine gets a divorce and is left with a husband that she can now recreate as her slave.

I sort of have the feeling that the idea for the plot may well be used again. It's on my list.

To Die For

Female Domination Themes


Strength 9/10

Setting: London UK & Greece

41,000 Words

Written 2012 (The Stair) & 2016 (To Die For)
Re-edit 2022


To Die For - 41,000 Words of Femdom Fiction